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20 Jan. 22

Why You Should Have A Plumbing Inspection Before Buying a Home

Purchasing a new home is a huge, confusing, and difficult process, and it’s often difficult to understand what to do next, let alone why! In this article, we’ll go over five reasons why a plumbing inspection isn’t just a good idea, but a must before you buy a home.

Most mortgage lenders require a plumbing inspection prior to escrow closing, but some do not. Having a plumbing inspection performed before purchasing a home allows you to ensure that there are no major plumbing issues that would affect the home’s value. This can help you negotiate a better price and ensure that you don’t buy a house only to be surprised later when major plumbing issues arise.

The following are the top five items to look for during a plumbing inspection:


A sewer line can become clogged for a variety of reasons, some of which are serious and some of which are not. The previous owners are frequently unaware of the plumbing issues in their own home! If the issues causing clogged sewer lines are severe, a full or partial replacement, which is a very expensive plumbing repair, may be required. A full plumbing inspection includes an examination of the main sewer line to ensure that it is in good working order and that there are no costly issues that you will have to deal with later on.


Pipe leaks are another plumbing concern that can be indicative of a variety of other major plumbing issues. It can cause mold and mildew, water damage in the home, and pipe corrosion, which may necessitate pipe replacement. Another thing to look for during a plumbing inspection in an older home is lead pipes, which are known to be hazardous to children. Choosing an inspection ensures that you are aware of any pipe issues prior to closing on the home.


If the water heater is old or in poor condition, it may necessitate a costly replacement. Checking this during your inspection will help you ensure that your heater is working properly to meet the needs of your family. A good plumber will also inspect the area around the heater for signs of leaks and water damage.


Leaks at the toilet’s base are another common issue discovered during these inspections. If the flooring directly around the toilet is discolored or not firm, or if the toilet is not securely in place, it could indicate that there is significant floor damage beneath. Toilet leaks can often cause significant damage to flooring, and many homeowners don’t know how to handle them, so they cover them up, exacerbating the situation.


It is also critical to ensure that the water in the home is clean and safe to use and drink. If you notice that it is discolored, there could be a number of reasons for this, ranging from minor to major issues. It could be a temporary flow of dirty water or a long-term issue, such as old pipes that need to be replaced. A licensed and experienced plumber can assist in determining the cause of water discoloration.

Remember that just because your home has some plumbing issues doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy it. However, you now have a better understanding of what you’re getting yourself into, and this knowledge will help you make better decisions during the home-buying process. It will assist you during negotiations and ultimately save you money by informing you of major issues prior to purchase.

For over 40 years, Swansea Plumber has been assisting homeowners with HVAC and gas safe engineer Swansea plumbing inspections. To schedule a home inspection with us, call or schedule a service call online!